This is from our enterence. Theres obviously no point in sending me anything.

This is our door.

I came over this church on my way to the excursion, and I remembered
that I went to a wedding here.


Pushkin lived here from.. Oh, read it yourself, will ya.

This is the enterence of the same house.

Newly painted! Typical architecture from the time that the house was buildt..

Same enterence.

A woman who joined our excursion for a while.

Still in Pushkin's enterence hall.

This is the backside of the building where Pushkin lived, but
no one is sure on which floor.

Just a really messed up house. Looks like somebody occupied it, but then
for some reason regretted they're choice of occupation.

An old factory or prison?

Isak-katedralen. Men jeg får aldri gått inn..
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