tirsdag 30. september 2008


We went to Novgorod on Sunday. This is the Kremlin.

This church is very old. Almost 1000 years old. I think it is the oldest building in Russia,
but I dind't allways pay attention to the guide. Anyway, inside it was a
very sweet church.

This is the leaves inside the Kremlin.

A church..

A church.. ...

A church? No! A monastry!

Some trolls

A church or a monastry.

There are hundres of these houses along the road outside the big cities.
Some of them are terrebly old, and about fall apart. Some have allready fallen apart,
but people still live there. I didn't manage to take a picture of the more psychedelic houses
who are painted in sharp pink, voilet, turquoise and so on, and often with wooden "laces".

On the way home we ended up in a traffic jam, and we used an hour to move maybe 250 meters.
As you can see, there are four lines of cars in our direction, but there are originally just to lines in
each direction, so half of the cars were driving on the headshoulder and even outside it.

2 kommentarer:

irkuysdamha sa...

love the colour of the leaves..

Rebecca sa...

Me too! Love the picture with the shoes and the leaves^^ I have to get better at posting pics, or maybe just taking them in the first place... Dun even know where my camera is anymore, but i think it's in my underwear drawer.
How are you hanging in there? You like Russia? Are you at all going back to Norway?