The last days has been very nice. The weather has been brilliant, and it has changed the city completely, so that it's not so scary. And the sunsets (blue, orange, pink, purple and gold, almost) really suits the city. Me and Renate went for a walk on the canals around the main street Nevskij Prospekt, and it was very beatiful. And then we ate piroger on a pirogcafé, and you could taste that they were good in making them. Me and Camilla has made lots of bortsj at home. First Camilla tried to by some meat for the soup, without any bones, but the lady in the shop wouldn't let her, because -she knew how to make borsj, she had done it for 20 years.- So we had to buy more meat, and we bought 1 kg, so now we have to much meat and have to fill up with vegetables. It's going to be an evil circle..
What more is there to tell? We have lots of homework. And pancakes here are so good.

This is our homemade bortsj:)

This is Храм Спаса на Крови (The Cathedral of the Resurrection)

Fine farger. Og snart blir alle trærne gule.

Dette er en av kanalene. Det var fryktelig fint.
1 kommentar:
So, we're commenting in English? Cool enough, my keyboard is English so it suits me perfectly, i'm sick of the aa, ae and oe lark.
It looks real nice in Russia, i have to go there at some point, with you of course!
Mother dear is getting married to Diaz, he's alright. I sometimes get a strange feeling from him, but i'm ignoring it as long as everyone is happy.
Really wanna attend the wedding, but tickets are like 700 quid!!!! Insane, i know!
I don't wanna write my address here where everyone can read it, since it's not really mine.. But i'll email it to you! I'll try to send you a letter as well, but i'm rubbish..
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