tirsdag 30. september 2008


We went to Novgorod on Sunday. This is the Kremlin.

This church is very old. Almost 1000 years old. I think it is the oldest building in Russia,
but I dind't allways pay attention to the guide. Anyway, inside it was a
very sweet church.

This is the leaves inside the Kremlin.

A church..

A church.. ...

A church? No! A monastry!

Some trolls

A church or a monastry.

There are hundres of these houses along the road outside the big cities.
Some of them are terrebly old, and about fall apart. Some have allready fallen apart,
but people still live there. I didn't manage to take a picture of the more psychedelic houses
who are painted in sharp pink, voilet, turquoise and so on, and often with wooden "laces".

On the way home we ended up in a traffic jam, and we used an hour to move maybe 250 meters.
As you can see, there are four lines of cars in our direction, but there are originally just to lines in
each direction, so half of the cars were driving on the headshoulder and even outside it.

torsdag 25. september 2008

"час я покажу вам.."

The last days has been very nice. The weather has been brilliant, and it has changed the city completely, so that it's not so scary. And the sunsets (blue, orange, pink, purple and gold, almost) really suits the city. Me and Renate went for a walk on the canals around the main street Nevskij Prospekt, and it was very beatiful. And then we ate piroger on a pirogcafé, and you could taste that they were good in making them. Me and Camilla has made lots of bortsj at home. First Camilla tried to by some meat for the soup, without any bones, but the lady in the shop wouldn't let her, because -she knew how to make borsj, she had done it for 20 years.- So we had to buy more meat, and we bought 1 kg, so now we have to much meat and have to fill up with vegetables. It's going to be an evil circle..
What more is there to tell? We have lots of homework. And pancakes here are so good.

This is our homemade bortsj:)

This is Храм Спаса на Крови (The Cathedral of the Resurrection)

Fine farger. Og snart blir alle trærne gule.

Dette er en av kanalene. Det var fryktelig fint.

lørdag 20. september 2008

Dette er på vei til Oslo dagen før jeg dro.

Vi møttes på teatercafeen for en slags farvelmiddag.

Litt forskjellig arkitektur..


When I woke up today, I didn't know so much would happen in less then an hour, before 12 am! First, on the metro, some Kaukazian women tried to rob me, but they didn't do it very well, so all they got was a lollipop. Then we where supposed to meet our hostess and give her money for the rent of the appartment, but we met only her housband or something, because she was late. And then we were supposed to sit in his car and wait for her, and he locked all the doors, and we got really scared, but it's normal in russia to do that, so that no one can enter the car on red light. He drove us around to find a bank, because we didn't have 900 euro, only too 500 euros, and had to change one of them, but we only got 500 back in rubles. So when we finally met the hostess, 5 minutes before the lecture, she had allready taken out 100 euros in rubles with the rate we had told her, and her housband had messed it all up. And they didn't let us first give here all the rubles, so she could give us back what she had in rubles, but we had to give them four fifths of the 500 euros, which now was in rubles.. So there. We both went to the lecture really shaky, and we don't want to do that again.

onsdag 17. september 2008

в России))

So, Im in russia)) ive been her for 3 days already. i dont live with a family though, but in a nice flat, along with a girl in my class. the first evening we bought some weird sausages, which was wraped in an invisible plastic cover, and they popped out of the cover in small, grouse pieces when we fried them. i will post a picture of it later, maybe. yesterday was much better. we had classes from 10 am to 4 pm, and then me and camilla (the girl i live with) went shopping. we bought a book with traditional russian recipies, and lots of russian food. it was good. its quite fun to shop in russian foodstores. and i bought a russian mobile phone)) (they dont have colon on russian keyboards, so you cant make smileyfaces, only lots of parantheses. (finally figured that out..)))))
today i im only going to do homework, i suppose.

søndag 14. september 2008

Skal jeg skrive på norsk? Eller engelsk? English! Really bad english

Tomorrow is the most scary day. I'm going to Russia. And meeting the family I' going to live with.
It feels weird to leave for three months. And I'm gonna miss my cat.